
Part Number PR31500
Manufacturer Philips
Title Poseidon embedded processor
Description PR31500 Processor is a single-chip, low-cost, integrated embedded processor consisting of MIPS R3000 core and system support logic to interface wi...
• 32-bit R3000 RISC static CMOS CPU
• 4 KByte instruction cache
• 1 KByte data cache
• Multiply/accumulator Instruction
• R3000A memory management unit with on-chip TLB
• Supports Big/Little Endian operating systems
• On-chip peripherals with individual power-down
  – Multi-channel DMA controller
  – B...

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Datasheet PR31500 PDF File

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PR31500ABC : PR31500 Processor is a single-chip, low-cost, integrated embedded processor consisting of MIPS R3000 core and system support logic to interface with various types of devices. PR31500 consists of a MIPS R3000 RISC CPU with 4 KBytes of instruction cache memory and 1 KByte of data cache memory, plus integrated functions for interfacing to numerous system components and external I/O modules. The R3000 RISC CPU is also augmented with a multiply/accumulate module to allow integrated DSP functions, such as a software modem for high-performance standard data and fax protocols. The PR31500 processor can support both Little and Big Endian operating systems. In addition the PR31500 provides a memory ma.

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