
ON Semiconductor
Part Number R3910
Manufacturer ON Semiconductor
Description Preconfigured DSP System
Published Jan 21, 2016
Detailed Description Preconfigured DSP System for Hearing Aids RHYTHM R3910 Description RHYTHMt R3910 is a preconfigured hearing health proc...
Datasheet PDF File R3910 PDF File


Preconfigured DSP System for Hearing Aids RHYTHM R3910 Description RHYTHMt R3910 is a preconfigured hearing health processor based on a powerful DSP platform.
Featuring iSceneDetect environmental classification, adaptive noise reduction, superior feedback cancellation, fully automated and adaptive microphone directionality, and up to 8−channel WDRC, the R3910 is ideal for high−end, full featured products.
Available in one of the industry’s smallest form−factors, it is well suited for all hearing aid types, including those placed deep in the ear canal.
Acoustic Environment Classification − The iSceneDetect 1.
0 environmental classification algorithm is capable of analyzing the hearing aid wearer’s acoustic environment and automatically optimizes the hearing aid to maximize comfort and audibility.
iLog 4.
0 Datalogging − Enables the recording of various hearing aid parameters such as program selection, volume setting and ambient sound levels.
The sampling interval can be configured to record from every 4 seconds up to once every 60 minutes.
The fitting system can present the data to help the fitting specialist fine tune the hearing aid and counsel the wearer.
EVOKE Advanced Acoustic Indicators − Allows manufacturers to provide more pleasing, multi−frequency tones simulating musical notes or chords to indicate events such as program or volume changes.
Automatic Adaptive Directionality − The automatic Adaptive Directional Microphone (ADM) algorithm automatically reduces the level of sound sources that originate from behind or to the side of the hearing aid wearer without affecting sounds from the front.
The algorithm can also gather input from the acoustic environment and automatically select whether directionality is needed or not, translating into additional current savings.
Adaptive Feedback Canceller − Automatically reduces acoustic feedback.
It allows for an increase in the stable gain while minimizing artifacts for music and tonal input signals.
Adaptive Noise Redu...

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